Protecting yourself at festivals and parties

Friday 24 June 2022
13.00-14.00 Geneva, 07.00-8.00 New York


Amaia Artazcoz Glaria,  Technical Officer, WHO

Meg Doherty, Director, Director Global HIV, hepatitis and STI programmes at WHO

Bayad Nozad, Consultant, Health Protection, UK Health Security Agency, and Lead Consultant for Glastonbury Festival

Sarah Tyler, Senior Communications ConsultantHealth Emergencies, WHO Regional Office for Europe

Ben Duncan, Senior Consultant, Risk Communication and Community EngagementWHO Regional Office for Europe

Leonardo Palumbo,  Project Manager, Community Engagement, WHO Regional Office for Europe

Participants will be able to submit questions during the webinar by using Zoom’s “Q&A” feature.  You may also submit them in advance by sending them to

The webinar can also be viewed live and post-event on the EPI-WIN YouTube channel:  

URL to register: